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Metro's cabaret show

  • Bar Farouk

    Bar Farouk revives the artistic scene of Beirut from the 30’s to the 70’s, from popular theatre to cabaret music and dance, through the works of icons who have marked the art scene in pre-war Lebanon such as Chouchou, Sabah, Ferial Karim and the poet Omar El Zeenni, amongst many.

    14 musicians, singers, actors and dancers bring you back to the golden era when Beirut was the cultural and artistic avant-garde in the Middle-East.

  • Hishik Bishik Show

    The Hishik Bishik show is a tribute to the universe, ambiance and music of Egyptian cabarets and weddings in the early 20th century.

    Built around a solid musical backbone with a repertoire taken from Egyptian movies, ten artists on stage aim at doing justice to this era’s musical riches by highlighting its nostalgic and artistic value.

    عرض غنائي موسيقي يحاكي موسيقى الأفراح و الكاباريهات التي كانت منتشرة في مصر في النصف الأول من القرن الماضي.
    أربعة لوحات تتضمّن عشرات الأغنيات يؤديها عشرة فنانين موزعين بين موسيقيين، مغنين، ممثلين وراقصين يأخذوننا إلى تلك الحقبة من الزمن الجميل.

About Metro

The Station

A friendly little bar we affectionately call "the metro station" is your first stop if you're early for an event or just looking to have a drink or a bite. It's also a place where loitering is allowed after main events!

We boast a rather complete spirits inventory and are cocky about our very engaging single malt offerings.

  • Open wifi
  • Opens daily from 7PM till midnight except on afterparty nights
  • Full bar and snacks

The Theatre

The theatre hall is where it all happens: concerts, plays, cabaret shows and all sorts of live events. The seating area is versatile and adaptable to the requirements of the event's audience. The levelled platforms can accommodate seating with chairs, couches and tables.

  • Open wifi
  • Full menu and bar
  • Opens for the daily shows

Contact us!


    Aresco Palace, Clémencau street, Beirut, Lebanon

    T: +961 (76) 309 363


    T: +961 (76) 309 363