Metro Al Mehaniya
Metro Al Mehaniya
Al Mehaniya
is the performing arts school of Metro
The aim is to train, mentor and educate young artists from different social and cultural backgrounds in Lebanon within the field of theater, music and performing arts. It offers a free, two-year study program under the supervision of professionals. The course of study emphasizes skill-based learning including: ensemble building, music and performing art courses, masterclasses, field trips and workshops.
Metro al Mehaniya trains, mentors and teaches young artists from different social and cultural backgrounds in Lebanon within the field of theatre, music, and performing arts. It offers a free, two-year study program under the supervision of professionals. The course of study emphasises skill-based learning, including different types of classes: ensemble building, music and performing art courses, masterclasses, field trips, and workshops.
Rooted in the venue and community around Metro, al Mehaniya connects the pedagogic function of the school program with the dynamic venue. The courses offered expose the students to a variety of cultural expressions including music, dance, theatre, mime, body movement, makeup, puppetry and clowning.
Rooted in the venue and community around Metro, Al Mehaniya connects the pedagogic function of the school program with the dynamic venue, exposing the students to a variety of cultural expressions incl. music, dance, theater, mime, body movement, makeup, puppetry and clowning.
THE VISION of al Mehaniya is to facilitate interaction and collaboration between young artists in Lebanon, while creating opportunities for them. The aim is that the students become full performers, with a strong individual artistic profile and voice that can help them develop their artistic career.
The vision of al Mehaniya is to facilitate interaction and collaboration between young artists in Lebanon, while creating opportunities for them. The aim is that the students become full performers, with a strong individual artistic profile and voice that can help them develop their artistic career.

Al Mehaniya is in its second year, having already graduated the first cohort of students in 2022. In its second instalment, al Mehaniya has accepted 8 new artistic talents, which are in the process of producing and showcasing their work to the public.